Thursday, November 18, 2010

Story' Marketing

People love a good story. This is a cold hard fact of life. This, however, is not a new phenomenon. Anthropologists and historians believe that the art of storytelling has been with us since the beginning of human existence. In fact, much of humanity has been defined by stories.

This fact holds true today as well. When you want to relay the events of last night's hot date to your best friend, how are you going to do it? Are you going to blather off a list bullet points about the evening? That's not very likely. Chances are you will tell a story about how the date went.

We can use stories to talk about the past or the future. Stories help us to relate to one another in a powerful way.

When it comes to marketing your business, there is tremendous power in your story. In fact, as a small business owner, one of the greatest assets that you have in your marketing efforts is your story.

Your story will help to humanize you and is the ultimate tool for differentiation in a vast sea of similar products and services.

Employ "my story" marketing by being willing to let your audience know about the origins of your business in real depth. You can outline what led you to be a business owner in the first place. You can let your audience know more about who you are as a person and what your values are.

All of these things help people to lower their guards and see you as a human being. You wont just seem like another company looking to separate their money from their wallets.

"My story" marketing will allow you to lay the foundation for your audience to trust you. This is very important. Think about it. Lets say you are looking to buy a car and you go online to so some research on two different dealership websites. On the first is just a page that shows some pictures of cars. The 'About Us' section has some generic info that about when the dealership was founded and how many cars they sold last year.

The second site has the exact same pictures of the exact same cars. But in their 'About Us' section, they tell the story of how the dealership came into existence. It talks about the owner and his family. It lists the values and mission statement of the business with their views on the importance of treating the customer like family.

Who is more likely to get you business? It's a no brainer, right?

The best part about 'my story' marketing is that no one business is alike. Every one has its own distinct story. Put together your story and have somewhere online where you display it. This can be your website, a blog, a Facebook fan page or even a YouTube Channel. Videos work extremely well for conveying you story because your audience will not only hear your story but also see you delivering it. This resonates even more strongly with people.

You may not think you have a compelling story but that doesn't matter. As long as it is yours, it will be effective.

My Story Marketing is a VERY useful and valuable tool to put in use in your own marketing system. Start utilizing it today.

Are you looking for increased success in marketing your small business?

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